Recommended Readings
"The Highly Sensitive Person" (Aron)
"The Highly Sensitive Person In Love" (Aron)
"The Highly Sensitive Child" (Aron)
"The Seven Spiritual Laws For Success" (Chopra)
"Emotional Intelligence" (Goleman)
"The Relationship Cure" (Gottman) Audio Book- 7 hrs.
"Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child" (Goleman, Gottman)
"The Seven Principles For Making a Marriage Work" (Gottman)
"Why Marriages Succeed and Fail and How to Make Yours Last" (Gottman)
"10 Lessons to Transform Your Marriage" (Gottman) - Audio Book - 9 hrs. 17 min.
"Sensible Self Help" (Grudermeyer)
"Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations For a Lifetime of Love"(Dr. Sue Johnson)
"Love Sense"(Dr. Sue Johnson)
"The Secrets of Happily Married Men" (Haltzman)
"Too Good to Leave - Too Bad to Stay" (Kirshenbaum)
"Helping Children Cope With the Loss of a Loved One - A Grownup's Guide" (Kroen)
"Mountains are Mountains and Rivers are Rivers" (Rabinowitz)
"Passionate Marriage" (Schnarch)
"Staring at the Sun: Overcoming the Terror of death" (Yalom)
Useful Websites
The American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
Dr. Sue Johnson - Creating Connection
Mayo Clinic Mental Health Website
Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy (Sue Johnson's Website)
Association For Applied Sports Psychology
Huffington Post - Divorce and Marriage
ADHD Resource (National Institute of Mental Health Website)
Alano Club Online - Resource for addictions and AA
My Profile on Psychology Today Directory
Radio Programs/Podcasts

"A Lifeline For College Students With Depression" (Sept. 2008)
"Beating Psychological Stress in a Down Economy" (Dec. 2008)
"Staring at the Sun: Overcoming The Terror of Death" KQED interview with Dr. Yalom"
"Does Marriage Counseling Work?" (June, 2005)
"Women Choosing Single Motherhood Debated Online"(Sept. 2008)
"The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth." (Feb. 5, 2008)
"Young Men Stuck in Adolescence - Adult Limbo." (Jan. 28, 2008)
"lust in Translation - Explores World of Infidelity" (Aug. 27th, 2007)
"Studies Suggest Forgiveness Has Health Benefits" (Jan. 2, 2008)
"Can Thoughts and Action Change Our Brains" (Feb. 2, 2007)
"Tips For Seeking Mental Healthcare" (May 2006)
"Positive Psychology" (Sept. 23, 2002)
"Married To Your Job" (Sept. 2, 2002)
"Why We Worry and How to Deal With It" (June 10, 2002)
"Relaxation Revolution" Dr. Herbert Benson (Aug24, 2010)
"Health Insurers Are Still Skimping on Mental Health Coverage." (2017)
"Pediatricians Call For Universal Depression Screening for Teens." (2018)